A Caring Touch, LLC
Source:  Youtube/WLWT TV 5
Reported by Courtis Fuller
May1, 2017
AGC Buzz
(click on area video stories to see what people are buzzing about...or will be)
AGC Features Slideshow
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Community Calendar

Movie Review with TT Stern-Enzi
(Cincinnati film critic shares his take on films and morei
Check our listing of  
EventsAboutTown to get a
glimpse of what's happening

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Greater Cincinnati?  Tell us
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to the AGC Calendar.
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Ohio holds $2.8 billion in unclaimed funds.  Are they holding yours?                    
Source: YouTube/WLWT TV  5   May 1, 2017
May 2017 Webzine
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AGC Features
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What's Going On
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Village Life Outreach Project
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Congrats and HighFives!
(click on photo to view recent recognitions)
AGC Community Partners

10-year-old Ellis Weaver's dance-off
with Cincinnati police officer Brandon
Fields went viral on Facebook last
.  They both showed theit
moves on NBC's Little Big Shots.

High-fives! !

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The first Nile hippo born
at the Cincinnati Zoo &
Botanical Garden in 75
years arrived 6 weeks

The calf, a female, was
named Fiona and is
receiving critical care from
vet and nursery staff.  She
is gaining weight and
getting stronger.

Well wishes Fiona!
Photo | @CincinnatiZoo via Twitter
Today's Inspirational Thought
Click Graphic  for a Public  Service Announcement
What People Are Saying
"Great to see you promoting Good News and
Events...we need more positive things to
celebrate and less of the negative to worry
- AGC Reader, Mason (OH)
(Tell AGC what you think.  Click here!)
AGC Awards & Recognition
This month
Union Terminal Secures
Restoration Funding

IMPACT 100 to Award
$404,000 to Area Non-profits

To read all about it,
here or image/graphic

Your Health, Your Wellness
(Health/Medical tips, news shared by Liz Bonis, Local12 Health & Medical Reporter)
Heart healthy dining and tasty too!  Liz Bonis
YouTube/Local12      February 27, 2017
AGC Photo Pick
(email photo with description to info@aboutgreatercincinnati.com)
Inspiration of the Month
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